It is one of the key events with a long-term character of a Terra Incognita program. The town of Spisske Podhradie contributes to this event with human resources, technical equipment and cultural program. Professional and amateur artists can present themselves there. The program focuses on spiritual values that relate to the certain environment. The town is up to keep the event permanent with a rich cultural-spiritual inclination to domestic and foreign visitors.
The symbolic places of the “Spis Jerusalem” in the Spis Chapter House, Pazica and Siva Brada are in the area of a world cultural heritage of UNESCO. This historical place of pilgrimage, with the Spis Castle standing behind, is situated along the former very important medieval route Via magma, nowadays on a touristic way of a Gothic route. “Spis Jerusalem” starts with St. Martin´s Cathedral in the Spis Chapter House and ends with the Chapel of a St. Cross at Siva Brada. The layout of the chapels at Pazica is the same as the layout of places where Christ spent his last days in Jerusalem (scale of 1:1). The complete configuration of a terrain, travertine rocks, chapels, God´s tortures and even prevailing pine trees are dignifying natural scope of “Spis Jerusalem” evoking the nature of Palestine and Israel. The planimetry of “Spis Jerusalem” is topical if we rotate the map of medieval Jerusalem 90 degrees anticlockwise and compare to the map of “Spis Jerusalem”.